sharing hope as a catalyst for change


Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives, Sharing the Love of Jesus Christ:

WE DO THIS IN 3 core ways:

IMPACT communities in need through relief. When Hurricane Ian hit Southwest Florida, Share Hope Global, Inc. was one of the first organizations to send resources (generators, food, and toiletries) to families in need. In small townships near Johannesburg, South Africa we help feed and provide toiletries for less fortunate families.

INFLUENCE communities to love by equipping the church. Whether we’re donating Bibles in rural South Africa, or creating books, trainings, and podcasts like, Miracle Mindset with Pastor DJ Bagwell and The Share Hope Global Podcast, we strive to empower every believer of Jesus to thrive in their spiritual journey and to positively impact their local communities.

INSPIRE communities to grow by investing in families. Marriage Meet Up events, offering free Life Skill Courses in the community, and producing our YouTube show and podcast, Hopeful Romantics with DJ & Denice Bagwell, are ways we inspire families to grow together. We also love investing in the youth right here in Tampa Bay with programming like, “Laptops For Student Leaders” and the “Go Girl” Mentorship Program.


want to volunteer?

Please fill out the contact page with your name and contact details. Use the message box to share your preferred role and timeline for volunteering. We look forward to connecting with you and providing more details as opportunities arise. Thank you for joining us in making a difference!